I am pleased to announce that the lovely and talented Lavinia Spalding has just been named editor of Best Women’s Travel Writing 2011. What follows is the official call for submissions. Ladies: send her your work!
Calling All Women Travel Writers!
Is there a story held captive in you that’s begging to be set free? Here’s your chance to liberate it. Send your best true tale of the road to be considered for Travelers’ Tales’ The Best Women’s Travel Writing 2011. We’re looking for the full range of experience: adventurous, mystical, funny, poignant, cuisine-related, cross-cultural, transformational, funny, illuminating, frightening, or grim—as well as solo travel and travel with friends, partners, and families. Stories should reflect that unique alchemy that occurs when you enter unfamiliar territory and begin to see the world differently as a result. Previously published essays are OK, provided you control all rights to the story. Multiple submissions are also OK.
The deadline is September 21st.
Length & Type of Story: There’s no set length; however, shorter stories have a better chance of being accepted. We recommend the range of 750-2,500 words. To get a sense of what we want, please see The Best Women’s Travel Writing 2010.
Remuneration: $100 honorarium, a free copy of the book, and the right to purchase an unlimited number of any Travelers’ Tales titles for 50% off the cover price (plus shipping and handling).
Submission: Email your submissions to: [email protected]
If sending attachments, they must be in MS Word or RTF format. Please put “The Best Women’s Travel Writing 2011” in the subject line, and please be sure your name and contact info is in the attachment, not just in your email. Submissions will not be returned.
You can also send a hard copy to: Travelers’ Tales, 853 Alma Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301.
Please include on your essay all of your contact information, plus a 3- to 10-line bio about yourself. Essays will not be returned; notification of acceptances only, close to publication date. Essays not selected will be considered for future Travelers’ Tales books, unless author explicitly requests otherwise. We collect year round for this annual collection, so if you miss the deadline your story will be considered for the following year.
Rights: We are interested in non-exclusive rights, in all languages, throughout the world. Our use of the material does not restrict the authors’ rights in any way to have their stories reprinted elsewhere.
Caveat: In most cases we will do some editing of accepted stories for considerations of style, grammar, or length and may also alter the story title. Due to the large number of submissions received we will only contact you if we decide to include your submission in this collection. Final decisions are made near the end of the editorial process, and all authors whose stories have been accepted are notified at that time.
In addition to publishing books, we like to promote the best travel writing we can find and do so in our Editors’ Choice section and elsewhere on our Web site. By submitting your story to Travelers’ Tales, you agree that we may post it on our site as an example of good travel writing. You will not be paid for this use, but you will retain all rights to your material, and as a Travelers’ Tales contributor you will be able to purchase any TT books at 50% off. If you do not wish us to post your story, please indicate this clearly at the beginning of your submission. If we select your story for publication, we will contact you regarding permission and payment.