Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference

Apologies for the delayed updates as of late: in the past two weeks, I've hopped a MegaBus to catch my first roller-derby match in Chicago, IL; hung out with literary heroes at the National Latino Writers Conference in Albuquerque, NM; vacated my Iowa City, IA crashpad; and relocated to Corpus Christi, TX for the summer. Now I'm packing my bags for the Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference in Homer (as in, Alaska), and here is why you should be too ...

Apologies for the delayed updates as of late: in the past two weeks, I’ve hopped a MegaBus to catch my first roller-derby match in Chicago, IL; hung out with literary heroes at the National Latino Writers Conference in Albuquerque, NM; vacated my Iowa City, IA crashpad; and relocated to Corpus Christi, TX for the summer. Now I’m packing my bags for the Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference in Homer (as in, Alaska), and here is why you should be too:

* a keynote and reading by Pulitzer prize winner Michael Cunningham, author of The Hours (yes, the one that became a film starring Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman)

* a workshop on nature writing by Nancy Lord, author of seven books and Alaska’s current State Laureate

* a workshop on the “Art and Craft of Miniature Nonfiction” by Dinty Moore, author of The Accidental Buddhist and editor of the terrific online lit mag, Brevity

* a workshop on “Diaspora and Lyric” by Joan Kane, a poet and playwright who writes about identity as an Inupiaq Eskimo

* panels on topics ranging from “Getting Started” to “Where’s Writing Going?” to “Writing As Yourself Or Another”

* workshops on travel writing and memoir writing by yours truly

Plus: a boat cruise and breakfast around Kachemak Bay! Sunrise yoga classes! Manuscript reviews! Agents, editors, and publishers! The party starts Friday, June 11 and extends through Tuesday, June 15 at Land’s End Resort. See you there.


  1. I hope to meet you in person at this conference. Four members of my writers’ group are going and two of us are going to talk to agents and editors. That includes yours truly. One of us is booked for halibut fishing all day Sunday and sleeping on the beach in a tent. This is the biggest writers’ event in the state of Alaska. Hope you like being on a beach with a cool breeze and lots of bald eagles.

  2. Thanks, Stephanie for making memoir so easily understandable.
    Now for the revelationary journeys both real and virtual…

    To support your interest in the non-speaking language, please
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    visit TEDx ISALY on Twitter. It is an independently organized event done in sign language.
    In joy…I appreciate your commitment to knowing the language of those you write about.

    PS I would love to visit you on one of your “researching” trips.

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