New Book Alert!

Dearest community, I write with exciting news! At long, long last:: ART ABOVE EVERYTHING, the book project to which I have devoted the past decade of my life, has both a pub date and a cover::

“Is the all-encompassing quest to become a self-sustaining artist worth the sacrifices it requires? Throughout her 20s and 30s, Stephanie Elizondo Griest wondered if constantly prioritizing her writing over everything else—from postponing children to living nomadically to save on rent—was leading her to fulfillment or regret. After a brutal break-up and narrowly surviving a health crisis in her early 40s, she turned to other women for their perspectives on that haunting question: is art enough? ART ABOVE EVERYTHING documents her travels to 10 nations—from Cuba to Iceland; Rwanda to Qatar—where she meets with legendary painters, poets, actors, dancers, and musicians who talk intimately about their art, both what it gifts them and what it costs them. Collectively, these artists speak dozens of languages and worship a spectrum of faiths, but their compulsions to create despite financial hardship, misogyny, sexual violence, and family ostracization are wholly akin. Bold and inspiring, ART ABOVE EVERYTHING illuminates the ways we can wield creativity as a vitalizing force.”

In the coming months, I’ll be posting about the powerhouse women featured in this book. But for now, I extend gratitude to all of you for supporting me on this journey. This is a book about joy as well as torment. Y’all induced so much of the former, it saved me from succumbing to the latter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Pre-order your copy now:

And best wishes for a peaceful end of year!

Gratitude to infinity,
Stephanie Elizondo Griest